Having money on hand for emergencies or earmarked for specific costs is never a bad idea. We can help you save with our Business Savings Account or Money Market Accounts.
Your business will always have the need to make purchases. While loans are available
for higher costs, being able to save cash to pay for smaller odds and ends is a smart move. We can provide the right savings solution for your business, whether you can only save a little or want to save a lot.
Business Savings Account
Protect your business assets and compound competitive interest on your collected balance. Set up direct deposit or add to your account manually. It's your choice!
Interest compounded quarterly
8 free withdrawals per quarter; $0.50 thereafter, unless an average balance of $2,500 or higher is maintained
Unlimited deposits
$3 service charge if average balance falls below $100
Our Business Money Market makes the most of your funds with tiered interest. Earn big to save even more and access your balance with ease–including check-writing ability directly from these accounts.
Any amount above a target balance in either of our business checking accounts can be set up to automatically transfer money to one of our interest-bearing Money Market accounts, allowing you to:
Optimize management of your business’ cash balance